So, I have a desktop and 2 laptops. My desktop is based on Mac Mini late 2012 where I replaced 4g with 16g ram. I'm using OS X 10.8 in order to support the hack that allows me using my Seiki 4k TV as monitor. I have also Dell 24 monitor, but not using it anymore. My personal laptop is MacBook Pro w/ Retina '13. The other is my work laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 with Ubuntu on it. I have 6g ram and 120g SSD drive there, so its pretty ok.
I have Nexus 4 as my phone and Nexus 7 as my tablet.
I also use BitTorrent Sync to sync projects and personal files (including books, videos and photos) between my desktop, laptop and mobile devices. Very handy, as I always have my files available everywhere. Highly recommended!
I use Kindle 3 and Paperwhite as my readers. Actually, I prefer to use Kindle App to read ebooks on my mobile devices. I'm actively using Pocket for reading articles both on mobile gadges and on desktop/laptop. I found it very helpful to keep reading more and more. For sharing links between devices and browsers, I'm using SyncTab. With a new plugin for FF it works for me even better.
I recently switched from Chrome back to the Firefox. In FF I'm fan of plugins like Tree Style Tab, Evernote Clearly, SyncTab and GreaseMonkey.
IntellijIDEA and PyCharm is what I'm usign for developing on Java and Python. I also use SublimeText as text editor for scripts, html and notes. Next plugins for Sublime as invaluable for me nowadays: MarkdownEditing, Markdown Preview, Git and GitGutter. I'm actively using Markdown for my notes. And keep notes, private and public projects on GitHub.
I have also operational notes and todos, which I keep in Evernote. Again, Evernote apps are installed just everywhere - desktop/laptop and mobile devices. However, for my bookmarks, I got back to Delicious. They are not in the best times of thei life, but works good so far for me. As for RSS reader, I finally got used to Feedly, althought still missing Google Reader a lot!
As for the music, I use Spotify to listent to music on my devices, but also have ipod shuffle, which is always with me.
On OSX I'm also using iterm2 with zsh and brew.
My preferred games on mobile devices are Andoku and 2048.
For backing up data and sharing, except BTSync and Evernote, I also use Google Drive and Dropbox. I also upload my photos to Flickr.
I think, I'm done now...
And yeah, some picture:

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