Part 2: Python is slooow.. Rust is fast.

This is follow up from the previous post.

Now processing time dropped from 20+ seconds to only 2-3 seconds. Ten-folds. And it is not because I coded everything in assembler or moved to GPU or aggressively parallelized. Nope. I just changed to use different algorithm.

Funny enough, even with this algorithm, all the same heavy computation still happens. I just do not need to add data into the HashMap, and do another 2 full loops. And the algorithm is simpler to understand.

And also it is simple to split into parts and run them concurrently. Which gives me another opportunity to parallelize and make it slightly faster.

Lesson learned: using right algorithms and data structures is very important.

I also made the app available on internet, my first and very basic React web application. But yet I have a few features and performance optimizations to add before sharing it in my blog.

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