MOBI version of The Architecture of Open Source Applications book

The Architecture of Open Source Applications is a great book where one can find the description of the architecture of the 25 open source applications, like Eclipse, LLVM, Mercurial, HDFS and Berkley DB. This book is free to read in the HTML format online, but if you want to get a PDF or Kindle version, you'll need to buy it either at or at

Of course the recommended way is to buy the book, as all royalties from these sales will be donated to Amnesty International. But you can download a MOBI version for Kindle of this book for free, just continue reading.

First, want to tell a short story. After I found a free SICP version for Kindle compiled from HTML files at, I was looking for a chance to create something like that myself. And then I found the AOSA book. It has an HTML version, and I wanted to have a MOBI version to read it in my Kindle.

And so I made a Kindle version of The Architecture of Open Source Applications book and currently it's available from

Download a Kindle version of the AOSA

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